Learn with the world's most popular Latin course

Meet Pompeii's most famous familia

Travel back almost 2000 years to AD 79, a time when the Romans controlled much of Europe. The magnificent Italian city of Rome is the centre of the Roman Empire and 125 miles to the south of the capital are the beautiful Bay of Naples, the slumbering volcano Mount Vesuvius, and the prosperous Roman town of Pompeii. Explore Pompeii, meet some of its citizens and investigate the Roman world as you learn the basics of the Latin language.
A group of Roman people with a man wearing a toga front and centre

Proven approach to language learning

The Cambridge Latin Course is the product of over 50 years of research and development by the Cambridge School Classics Project team based in the University of Cambridge's Faculty of Education.

  • Uses the Reading Method of language acquisition supported by classroom based research and evidence

  • Integrates language and culture to improve understanding and engagement

  • Built around well loved storylines and characters informed by historical research

Online learning with the CLC

This online course works alongside and enriches the textbook for successful independent study

  • Step by step guidance

    Every element of the CLC is explained clearly and accessibly to ensure students know the purpose of the content and how to get the best out of their studies.

  • Multimedia approach

    Includes short documentaries about Roman life; video explanations of language content; audio of every Latin story; video dramatisations; and full voiceovers for course presentations.

  • Check and track your learning

    Built in learning checks and easy to access course tracking enable students to regularly assess their understanding and identify their own strengths and weaknesses.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introductory and general materials

    • Getting started

    • Pronouncing Latin: downloadable guide

    • Pronouncing Latin: presentation

    • Book 2 vocabulary checker

    • The Roman Empire

    • Map of the Roman Empire

  • 2

    Stage 13: in Britanniā

    • In Britannia: page 1

    • Introduction

    • Model Sentences 1-9 (pg 2-4)

    • trēs servī (pg. 5): introductory video

    • trēs servī (pg. 5): notes

    • trēs servī (pg. 5): watch the story (subtitled)

    • trēs servī (pg. 5): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • trēs servī (pg. 5): listen to the story

    • trēs servī (pg. 5): story explorer

    • coniūrātiō (pg. 7): introductory video

    • coniūrātiō (pg. 7): watch the story (subtitled)

    • coniūrātiō (pg. 7): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • coniūrātiō (pg. 7): listen to the story

    • coniūrātiō (pg. 7): story explorer

    • Bregāns (pg. 8): introductory video

    • Bregāns (pg. 8): listen to the story

    • Bregāns (pg. 8): cartoon strip

    • Bregāns (pg. 8): cartoon strip translation

    • Bregāns (pg. 8): story explorer

    • About the language 1.a (pg. 10): infinitives

    • About the language 1.c (pg. 10): infinitives

    • About the language 1.d (pg. 10): infinitives

    • Salvius fundum īnspicit (pg.12): introductory video

    • Salvius fundum īnspicit (pg.12): listen to the story

    • Salvius fundum īnspicit (pg.12): story explorer

    • Practising the language (pg. 14): exercise 2

    • Sorting Words 1 (digital activity): Characters

    • Who's Who: true or false?

    • Sorting Words 2 (digital activity): Infinite varieties

    • Sorting Words 3 (digital activity): Willing and Able

    • Sorting Words 4 (digital activity): Who wants to... ?

    • Sorting Words 5 (digital activity): Farm and mine

    • Sorting Words 6 (digital activity): Which person?

    • Cultural Background: apud Brittunculos

    • Cultural Background: Mines

    • Cultural Background: Metalworking

    • Cultural Background: Roundhouses

    • Cultural Background: The duties of a vilicus

    • Worksheet: Farms in Roman Britain

  • 3

    Stage 14: apud Salvium

    • Introduction

    • Model Sentences 1-3 (pg 24.)

    • Model sentences: what is an amphora?

    • Rūfilla (pg. 25): introductory video

    • Rūfilla (pg. 25): watch the story (subtitled)

    • Rūfilla (pg. 25): watch the story

    • Rūfilla (pg. 25): listen to the story

    • Rūfilla (pg. 25): story explorer

    • Rūfilla (pg. 25): comprehension questions

    • Domitilla cubiculum parat I (pg. 26-27): listen to the story

    • Domitilla cubiculum parat I (pg. 26-27): story explorer

    • Domitilla cubiculum parat II (pg. 27): introductory video

    • Domitilla cubiculum parat II (pg. 27): listen to the story

    • Domitilla cubiculum parat II (pg. 27): story explorer

    • About the language 1 (pg. 28-29): adjectives

    • in tablīnō (pg. 30): introductory video

    • in tablīnō (pg. 30): watch the story (subtitled)

    • in tablīnō (pg. 30): watch the story

    • in tablīnō (pg. 30): listen to the story

    • in tablīnō (pg. 30): story explorer

    • About the language 2 (pg. 31): more about adjectives

    • Adjectives: Opposites worksheet

    • Quīntus advenit (pg. 32): introductory video

    • Quīntus advenit (pg. 32): listen to the story

    • Quīntus advenit (pg. 32): story explorer

    • tripodes argenteī (pg. 33): introductory video

    • tripodes argenteī (pg. 33): listen to the story

    • tripodes argenteī (pg. 33): story explorer

    • Practising the language (pg. 35): exercise 1

    • Sorting words 1 (digital activity): Characters

    • Sorting words 2 (digital activity): Noun or Adjective?

    • Sorting words 3 (digital activity): Verb or Adjective?

    • Sorting words 4 (digital activity): Adjective?

    • Sorting words 5 (digital activity): Adjectives 1

    • Sorting words 6 (digital activity): Adjectives 2

    • Sorting words 7 (digital activity): Imports and exports

    • Sorting words 8 (digital activity): Briton or Roman?

    • Cultural Background: Why the Romans Invaded

    • Cultural Background: The Body in the Bog

    • Cultural Background: Boudica

    • Worksheet: Britain in the 1st century

    • Worksheet: Roman Britain crossword

    • Worksheet: What language did the Britons speak?

    • Worksheet: The Triumphal Arch of Claudius

  • 4

    Stage 15: rex Cogidubnus

    • Introduction

    • Model sentences 1-6 (pg. 44-45)

    • ad aulam (pg. 46-47): introductory video

    • ad aulam (pg. 46-47): listen to the story

    • ad aulam (pg. 46-47): story explorer

    • ad aulam (p. 46-47): comprehension questions

    • caerimōnia (pg. 48): introductory video

    • caerimōnia (pg. 48): watch the story (subtitled)

    • caerimōnia (pg. 48): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • caerimōnia (pg. 48): listen to the story

    • caerimōnia (pg. 48): story explorer

    • About the language 1: relative clauses

    • Worksheet: relative clauses

    • lūdī fūnebrēs I (pg. 51): introductory video

    • lūdī fūnebrēs I (pg. 51): listen to the story

    • lūdī fūnebrēs I (pg. 51): story explorer

    • lūdī fūnebrēs II (pg. 52): introduction

    • lūdī fūnebrēs II (pg. 52): listen to the story

    • lūdī fūnebrēs II (pg. 52): story explorer

    • lūdī fūnebrēs II (pg. 52): comprehension questions

    • About the language 2: imperfect tense of possum, etc

    • Practising the language (pg. 54): exercise 1

    • Sorting words 1 (digital activity): I, we, they

    • Sorting words 2 (digital activity): characters

    • Sorting words 3 (digital activity): want it or not?

    • Sorting words 4 (digital activity): which tense?

    • Sorting words 5 (digital activity): cases

    • Sorting words 6 (digital activity): adjectives

    • Cultural background: friends of Rome

    • Cultural background: enemies of Rome

    • Worksheet: how many Britons learned Latin

  • 5

    Stage 16: in aula

    • Introduction

    • Model sentences 1-6 (pg. 60-61)

    • Belimicus ultor (pg. 62): introductory video

    • Belimicus ultor (pg. 62): listen to the story

    • Belimicus ultor (pg. 62): story explorer

    • Belimicus ultor (pg. 62): questions

    • rēx spectāculum dat 1 (pg. 63): introductory video

    • rēx spectāculum dat 1 (pg. 63): listen to the story

    • rēx spectāculum dat 1 (pg. 63): story explorer

    • rēx spectāculum dat 2 (pg. 64): introductory video

    • rēx spectāculum dat 2 (pg. 64): watch the story (subtitled)

    • rēx spectāculum dat 2 (pg. 64): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • rēx spectāculum dat 2 (pg. 64): listen to the story

    • rēx spectāculum dat 2 (pg. 64): story explorer

    • rēx spectāculum dat II (pg. 64): activity

    • About the language 1 A: pluperfect tense

    • About the language 1 B: perfect and pluperfect with v

    • About the language 1 D: perfect and pluperfect not with v

    • Worksheet: verbs with irregular perfects

    • Worksheet: relative clauses - further practice

    • Quīntus dē sē (pg. 67): introductory video

    • Quīntus dē sē (pg. 67): listen to the story

    • Quīntus dē sē (pg. 67): story explorer

    • Quīntus dē sē (pg. 67): worksheet

    • Worksheet: how Quintus came to Britain

    • Sorting words (digital activity) 1: characters

    • Sorting words (digital activity) 2: which tense?

    • Cultural background: Fishbourne Palace

    • Cultural background: mosaics

    • Cultural background: mosaics activity

    • Cultural background: gardens at Fishbourne

  • 6

    Stage 17: Alexandria

    • Introduction

    • Model sentences 1-5 (pg. 76-77)

    • Stage 17: Where in Alexandria?

    • turmultus I (pg 78): introductory video

    • turmultus I (pg 78): listen to the story

    • turmultus I (pg 78): explore the story

    • turmultus II (pg 78-79): introductory video

    • turmultus II (pg 78-79): listen to the story

    • turmultus II (pg 78-79): explore the story

    • About the language (pg 80): genitive case

    • ad templum (pg 81-82): introductory video

    • ad templum (pg 81-82): listen to the story

    • ad templum (pg 81-82): explore the story

    • ad templum (pg 81-82): comprehension questions

    • Sorting words: singluar or plural?

    • Sorting words: characters

    • Sorting words: which person?

    • Sorting words: verb or noun?

    • Sorting words: meanings

    • Practising the language (pg. 83): exercise 1

    • Practising the language (pg 83): exercise 2

    • Cultural background: The Golden City

    • Worksheet: Alexandria and trade

    • Cultural background: Multicultural Alexandria

    • Cultural background: Alexandria and the Romans

  • 7

    Stage 18: Eutychus et Clēmēns

    • Introduction

    • taberna (pg 95): listen to the story

    • taberna (pg 95): explore the story

    • in officīnā Eutychī I (pg 96): introductory video

    • in officīnā Eutychī I (pg 96): watch the story (with subtitles)

    • in officīnā Eutychī I (pg 96): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • in officīnā Eutychī I (pg 96): listen to the story

    • in officīnā Eutychī I (pg 96): explore the story

    • in officīnā Eutychī II (pg 96-97): introductory video

    • in officīnā Eutychī II (pg 96-97): watch the story (with subtitles)

    • in officīnā Eutychī II (pg 96-97): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • in officīnā Eutychī II (pg 96-97): explore the story

    • in officīnā Eutychī II (pg 96-97): explore the story

    • Clēmēns tabernārius (pg 98-99): introductory video

    • Clēmēns tabernārius (pg 98-99): listen to the story

    • Clēmēns tabernārius (pg 98-99): explore the story

    • About the language (pg 100-101): adjective agreement with gender

    • About the language (pg 100-101): neuter endings

    • About the language (pg 100-101): gender agreement of qui

    • prō tabernā Clēmentis (pg 102): introductory video

    • prō tabernā Clēmentis (pg 102): listen to the story

    • prō tabernā Clēmentis (pg 102): explore the story

    • prō tabernā Clēmentis (pg 102): comprehension questions

    • Sorting words: meanings

    • Sorting words: noun or adjective?

    • Sorting words: singular or plural?

    • Sorting words: which gender?

    • Sorting words: comparison

    • Sorting words: which person?

    • Practising the language (pg 104): exercise 1

    • Practising the language (pg 104): exercise 2

    • Practising the language (pg 104): exercise 3

    • Cultural background: Glass for the rich

    • Cultural background: Glass for everyone

    • Worksheet: glassmaking in Alexandria

  • 8

    Stage 19: Isis

    • Introduction

    • Model sentences: 1-7 (pg 112-113)

    • Aristō (pg 114): introductory video

    • Aristō (pg 114): listen to the story

    • Aristō (pg 114): explore the story

    • diēs fēstus I (pg 115): listen to the story

    • diēs fēstus I (pg 115): explore the story

    • diēs fēstus II (pg 116): introduction - Aristo's perspective

    • diēs fēstus II (pg 116): introduction - Galatea's perspective

    • diēs fēstus II (pg 116): watch the story (with subtitles)

    • diēs fēstus II (pg 116): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • diēs fēstus II (pg 116): listen to the story

    • diēs fēstus II (pg 116): explore the story

    • About the language (pg 118): hic and ille

    • pompa (pg 119-120): introductory video

    • pompa (pg 119-120): listen to the story

    • pompa (pg 119-120): explore the story

    • pompa (pg 119-120): watch the story (with subtitles)

    • pompa (pg 119-120): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • pompa (pg 119-120): cartoon strip

    • pompa (pg 119-120): cartoon strip translation

    • About the language (pg 121): imperatives

    • Worksheet: improve your imperatives

    • vēnātiō I (pg 122): introductory video

    • vēnātiō I (pg 122): listen to the story

    • vēnātiō I (pg 122): explore the story

    • vēnātiō II (pg 123): introductory video

    • vēnātiō II (pg 123): listen to the story

    • vēnātiō II (pg 123): explore the story

    • vēnātiō I & II (pg 122-123): comprehension questions

    • Cultural background: A day at the river

    • Worksheet: The Nile River

    • Worksheet: the Nile river (answer key)

    • Sorting Words: infinitive or imperative?

    • Sorting words: which tense?

    • Sorting words: comparison

    • Sorting words: noun or verb?

    • Sorting words: noun or adjective?

    • Sorting words: which case?

    • Sorting words: which gender?

    • Practising the language (pg 125): exercise 1

    • Cultural background: a world full of gods

    • Cultural background: Isis and Osiris

    • Worksheet: the worship of Isis

  • 9

    Stage 20: medicus

    • Introduction

    • Model sentences: 1-5 (pg 132)

    • remedium astrologī (pg 133): introductory video

    • remedium astrologī (pg 133): watch the story (with subtitles)

    • remedium astrologī (pg 133): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • remedium astrologī (pg 133): listen to the story

    • remedium astrologī (pg 133): explore the story

    • remedium astrologī (pg 133): comprehension questions

    • Worksheet: web of nouns and verbs

    • Cultural background: Astrology and magic

    • Petrō (pg 134): introductory video

    • Petrō (pg 134): watch the story (with subtitles)

    • Petrō (pg 134): watch the story (without subtitles)

    • Petrō (pg 134): listen to the story

    • Petrō (pg 134): explore the story

    • Petrō (pg 134): comprehension questions

    • About the language (pg 135): present participles

    • fortūna crūdēlis (pg 136): introductory video

    • fortūna crūdēlis (pg 136): listen to the story

    • fortūna crūdēlis (pg 136): explore the story

    • fortūna crūdēlis (pg 136): comprehension questions

    • astrologus victor I (pg 138-139): introductory video

    • astrologus victor I (pg 138-139): listen to the story

    • astrologus victor I (pg 138-139): explore the story

    • astrologus victor II (pg 139): introductory video

    • astrologus victor II (pg 139): listen to the story

    • astrologus victor II (pg 139): explore the story

    • astrologus victor I &II (pg 138-139): comprehension questions

    • Sorting words: which case?

    • Sorting words: infinitive or participle?

    • Sorting words: singular or plural?

    • Sorting words: which gender?

    • Sorting words: noun or adjective?

    • Practising the language (pg 140): exercise 1

    • Practising the language (pg 140): exercise 2

    • Cultural background: Roman medicine

    • Cultural background: the Museum of Alexandria

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